Storage wars

Give me one sort-of warm day in the middle of winter in the Midwest and this gal gets spring cleaning fever.

During my spring-is-coming-soon cleaning frenzy I tackled the stacks of plastic storage tubs in my basement. I like these tubs because they can be color-coded by child, holiday and content. They are stacked and lined up like soldiers of storage. It gives me some sense of control in the chaos of the storage organization war. Give me storage tubs and a label maker and we have progress.

Experts say to combat that disarray of stacks you need to simplify. “Get organized,” they tout. Throw out the things that you no longer need and re-purpose items. Donate items you haven’t accessed in a year such as that cross-stitch you were going to do when you finally had time. If you’re like me, you look at that cross-stitch project and feel a bit guilty or even a sense of being unsuccessful. Give it away and let go of that feeling.

Here are a few other tips I’ve found to create easy storage with quick access to our stored items.

Pick similar size storage containers

Pick one size of storage tubs and stick with one brand to ensure better stacking. Large tubs seem like a solution but are more difficult to move and can sag after being stacked for a couple of years. Save the large tubs for extra blankets and light items. And yes, color coding is the way to go! Green for Christmas, pink for Easter and blue for keepsakes is a great example. Avoid using cardboard boxes as they attract insects and invite moisture.

Label each container

Label each box you pack on a couple of sides. For holiday tubs I add a number “1 of 15” so I can easily recall how many to pull out. I try to be detailed such as “Christmas—Outdoor Lights” so if we have a warm day I can go directly to that tub without peering into the other 14. If I have time, I will add a more detailed master content list to the top of the tub. My oldest daughter added the year it was last packed to the corner so we know when it was last accessed.

Map out your layout

I know this seems a little over the top but you will be thankful later on. I have a map detailing where specific tubs are. Measure your space and the size of your tubs. Ideally you would want to create an aisle between the tubs but your space may not allow for this. Put containers you rarely access to the back of the space and those you frequently access toward the front. I rarely access the children’s keepsake tubs and having five tubs in front takes a lot of space. Instead I have one sorting tub that I put everything in. When I pull out the Christmas tubs I have plenty of space to access those keepsake tubs. I sort everything from the sorting tub and place it in the appropriate keepsake tub. I do the same in the spring when I pull them all out to clean.

During the few days of my cleaning frenzy, dinner was simple. I utilized the slow cooker a couple of times. I enjoy using the slow cooker because it’s easy to assemble your dinner early in the day before you get busy. I also like the slow cooker on days when our family’s schedule does not allow us to sit down together for the meal. It is convenient for each of us to open the lid and scoop out the warm soup or a delicious mass of meat and vegetables as we have time. Now, to tackle the remaining tubs in the storage war.

Slow Cooker Cream Cheese Chicken Chili


2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts

1 can (10oz.) diced tomatoes and green chilies

1 can (11oz.) white Shoepeg corn

1 can (15.25oz.) black beans, rinsed

1 packet (1oz.) dry ranch seasoning mix

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1 Tbsp. cumin

1 Tbsp. chili powder

1 package (8oz.) cream cheese


In a slow cooker, place chicken breasts on the bottom. Dump in remaining ingredients in order. Place lid on slow cooker and cook on low for 6 hours. Remove chicken breasts and shred with a fork. Replace shredded chicken in cooker and stir well. Offer sour cream to top it off and serve with fried tortillas.

Apron Strings Tip: You may kick it up by using the hot version of diced tomatoes and green chilies and replacing corn with Southwestern style corn.

Beef Easy Mexican Casserole


1 lb. ground beef

1 medium onion, chopped

1 package (1.25 oz.) taco seasoning

1 can (4 oz.) chopped green chilies

1 can (28 oz.) diced tomatoes

1 pkg. (12 oz.) tortilla chips, broken into medium-sized pieces

4 c. shredded Monterrey Jack cheese

1/2 c. sour cream

1 cup shredded cheddar cheese


In a skillet, cook ground beef and onion until meat is browned and onion is tender; drain and return to pan. Stir in taco seasoning, chilies and tomatoes. Simmer, uncovered, for 15 minutes. Place half the tortilla chips in a 9- by 13-inch baking dish. Layer half of the meat mixture and half of the Monterrey Jack cheese over the tortilla chips. Repeat layers. Bake at 350 degrees F for 20 minutes. Remove from oven. Top with dollops of sour cream, sprinkle with cheddar cheese and bake another 10 minutes. Makes about 8 servings.

Pasta Primavera


1 pkg. (8 oz.) uncooked linguini

1 c. thinly chopped fresh broccoli

1 medium carrot, thinly sliced

1/2 c. sliced green onions

1/4 c. butter, cubed

1 1/2 c. sliced fresh mushrooms

1 garlic clove, minced

1 tsp. dried basil

1/2 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp. ground black pepper

6 oz. fresh or frozen snow peas, thawed

1/4 c. chicken broth

1/4 c. shredded Parmesan cheese

1/4 c. zesty Italian salad dressing


Cook linguini according to package directions. Meanwhile, melt the butter in a large skillet and add broccoli, carrot and onions, cooking for about 3 minutes. Add mushrooms, garlic, basil, salt and pepper, cook 1 minute longer. Add snow peas and broth. Cover and cook for 2 minutes longer or until peas are crisp-tender. Drain linguini and toss with Italian dressing. Add linguini to skillet and fold to combine ingredients. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese.