Cold, wet weather limits fieldwork

Wyoming experienced cooler than normal temperatures for the week ending April 8, according to USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, Mountain Regional Field Office, Wyoming. Thirty-two of the 34 reporting stations reported below average temperatures for the week with the high temperature of 64 degrees recorded at Douglas, and a low of 16 degrees below zero at Yellowstone. Below normal moisture was reported at 18 of the 34 reporting stations with three stations reporting no precipitation. Yellowstone reported the most moisture with 1.57 inches. A reporter from Northwest Wyoming indicated that 2 inches of snow stopped any farm progress. A reporter from North Central Wyoming stated that no fieldwork had been done yet. A reporter from Western Wyoming indicated that last week was cold and wet. A reporter from South Central Wyoming indicated that they have gotten some moisture but the wind took most of it. Another South Central reporter stated that they had cold and windy weather.