Sorghum scholarships awarded

The Nebraska Grain Sorghum Producers Association announces two $400 sorghum scholarships for 2018. Corey Conway, son of Bob and Kelli Conway of Campbell, Nebraska, is currently enrolled at the University of Nebraska where he is pursuing a degree in Mechanized Systems Management. Also selected is Kristine Dvoracek, daughter of John and Robyn Dvoracek of Farwell, Nebraska. She, too, plans to attend University of Nebraska to obtain a degree in Ag Business.

Conway states, “Agriculture has completely shaped my life—not just because it is the career that my parents chose but because it is a lifestyle that I have come to appreciate for the family and community bonds. I feel agriculture has made me the leader I am today, and I’m proud to carry on the tradition of values and hard work.”

Dvoracek values and appreciates agriculture as a very important industry and states, “I want to continue to live in central Nebraska, and my ultimate goal in life is to help increase agricultural production on my own family farm and decrease the mistrust many uninformed people have for modern agriculture. I want to be a great advocate for agriculture by being involved with the various commodity boards such as sorghum, wheat or corn.”

The sorghum scholarship is awarded to a graduating high school senior or to a student currently enrolled in post high school education. To qualify, the student must plan to pursue a course of study which will prepare him or her for a career in agriculture or an ag-related field.