Chief Engineer issues Order of Designation regarding Groundwater Management District No. 4

On April 13, the Chief Engineer issued his Order of Designation regarding the GMD No. 4 District-Wide LEMA.

You can view the order at

On March 8, the Chief Engineer issued an order accepting the GMD’s modified LEMA plan.

On March 1, the GMD accepted the Chief Engineer’s proposed changes to the LEMA listed in his February 23rd Order of Decision, and transmitted a GMD modified LEMA plan with the proposed modifications listed on the Chief Engineer’s order which included modifications to the original LEMA plan based on the evidence presented at the hearings:

The GMD could accept the changes, in which case an order of designation, which is the final order for the LEMA, would be issued. If the GMD did not accept the changes, there would be no LEMA.

The proposed modifications are listed on page 26 of the order.