Beef Empire Days 2018 to celebrate 50 years

An event celebrating the beef industry, the 2018 Beef Empire Days, will be held June 1 to 10 in Garden City, Kansas. The 50th anniversary celebration of the event has many events planned including parades, a carnival, a barbecue, in addition to the cattle working contest, live show and other beef related contests. 

According to their website,, organizers original goals have remained including: advancement in the production and quality of beef, improvement of communications and continued education and promotion of beef. These are the goals that guide the board of directors and the many volunteers who work diligently to organize the events that make up Beef Empire Days.

Thirty events are geared toward the cattle feeding industry, the arts and humanities and the athletes of the High Plains area. Each event is sponsored financially by a group or entity, and there are more than 190 financial partners who act as sponsors of every aspect of Beef Empire Days. Without the contributions of the many local and national sponsors the celebration could not survive. 

The celebration is also volunteer run. Dedicated volunteers help organize, promote and host the events, which make up the celebration. If you have an interest in a particular event or are interested in becoming a Beef Empire Days volunteer contact the event coordinator of the Beef Empire Days office. 

“The impact that the beef industry has had on Southwest Kansas and the entire High Plains area is substantial and we are extremely gratified to be involved in such an important part of agriculture and the area,” the BED website said.

Beef Empire Days Inc., was formed in 1967 to promote and educate people on the merits of beef and the cattle feeding industry. There are twelve voting board members and two ex-officio board members. Four members are elected or re-elected annually. These volunteers are selected from the ranks of the sponsors and they meet monthly to plan and direct the annual celebration. 

For more information about the events of Beef Empire Days visit,