Farmers, ranchers eye more profits at new conference

The first Bottom Line Conference for Farmers and Ranchers kicks off this summer in Lakin with expert speakers in soil health, water infiltration, grazing practices and financial management. The event was organized by the Kearny County Conservation District in early 2017, and has since teamed up with neighboring Conservation Districts to boost awareness.

KCCD board advisor and local farmer, Titus Jaeger, explains, “The conference is aimed at giving actionable advice on improving soil health to local producers in western Kansas.”

The conference, labeled as Profitability Through Soil and Water Conservation in a Dry Climate, means the drier climate and aquifer concerns are on the mind of Bottom Line Conference organizers.

“Because of the drier climate conditions most producers experience in our region, we want to give them all the tools they need to confidently make changes in their operations, and to have those changes be successful and profitable.”

The speakers lined up for the conference on August 22 and 23 this year are set to address the goals and concerns for those who attend.

Jaeger summed it up saying, “Obviously, farmers need to support their families, and long term viability boils down to profitability. This is why we call it the Bottom Line Conference.”

For registration information, event details and sponsorship opportunities visit their website at