Dryland crop conditions improve

Storm systems at week’s end brought locally heavy rain to mostly northern and eastern counties during the week ending May 20, while conditions in western and southern counties continued to deteriorate due to drought, according to USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, Mountain Regional Field Office, Colorado. Northeastern county reporters noted moisture last week continued to improve dryland crop and pasture conditions, although isolated damaging hail was also observed. Heavy weekend moisture delayed fieldwork with weed emergence in wheat an issue due to limited field access. East central counties received varying amounts of moisture. Some localities received over an inch, while others reportedly received very little. Where received, moisture improved overall conditions. In southwestern counties, drought conditions remained critical and a reporter noted many producers are facing drastic reductions in irrigation water supplies. Topsoil moisture in the San Luis Valley remained short with some alfalfa stands showing improvement, while others started being replanted with other crops. Fall potato and small grains planting progressed well last week and barley emergence was noted to pick up. In southeastern counties, reporters noted moisture was sporadic and several areas continued to decline due to extended drought. A reporter also noted alfalfa was being sprayed for increased insect presence.