Diamond V video series covers pigs’ gut microbiome

A healthy gut microbiome provides the young pig a line of defense against pathogen challenges, says Dr. Karen Lehe, director of Swine Business Development with Diamond V, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. She is pictured being interviewed by Diamond V program host Kevin Corizzo. Pigs that have a more diverse microbiome thrive and grow faster, Lehe said. The microbiome is really important when it comes to immune function and can be quite protective of the pig. Lehe explained the pig’s gut microbiome consists of all the microorganisms found in the gastrointestinal tract—and it changes drastically at weaning when a pig moves from a milk-based diet to a plant-based diet. Optimizing a pig’s natural, beneficial microbiome helps support the overall health of the animal. The “Diamond V at 75” video series will continue throughout 2018 and highlight Diamond V initiatives and industry expertise. For more information, see a representative or visit www.diamondv.com.