Moisture improves crops

Wyoming experienced below normal temperatures for the week ending June 24, according to USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, Mountain Regional Field Office, Wyoming. Thirty-two of the 34 reporting stations reported below average temperatures for the week with the high temperature of 86 degrees recorded at Wheatland and a low of 31 degrees at Yellowstone. Above normal moisture was reported at 32 of the 34 reporting stations. Rock Springs reported the least precipitation with 0.16 inches. Sundance reported the most moisture with 4.47 inches.

A reporter from north central Wyoming noted that crops remain behind due to a late spring. Another reporter from north central Wyoming indicated that they received good moisture last week and the crops look good. A reporter from western Wyoming indicated that they received some moisture and had some near freezing temperatures and the farmers have been busy putting up alfalfa. A reporter from southwestern Wyoming indicated that it has been very dry and windy. They also reported that while the irrigated pasture looked good, they are in danger of being cut off of irrigation water. Another reporter from Southeastern Wyoming stated that they received hail, which damaged some wheat and millet.