Wildfire concerns growing

Wyoming experienced above normal temperatures for the week ending July 8, according to USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, Mountain Regional Field Office, Wyoming. Twenty-six of the 32 reporting stations reported above average temperatures for the week with the high temperature of 102 degrees recorded at Greybull and a low of 28 degrees at Yellowstone. Below normal moisture was reported at 29 of the 33 reporting stations. Sixteen reporting stations had no precipitation. Newcastle reported the most moisture with 0.78 inches. A reporter from western Wyoming noted that it was warm and dry with a lot of alfalfa and grass hay put up. They also mentioned the growing concerns for wildfires. A reporter from south central Wyoming indicated that they received hot, dry, and windy weather. A reporter from southeastern Wyoming indicated that hot temperatures and no moisture persisted until July 7. They also mentioned that irrigation water was turned back on, which has helped plant growth.