Rossville field day will explore cover crops and weed control Aug. 14

All crop farmers are encouraged to attend the 2018 Kansas River Valley Experiment Field Day on August 14. This is a free event to attend with excellent presentations and a meal sponsored by Wilbur-Ellis. Many of these topics will help in having a more profitable and efficient crop production farm.

The group will also tour and look at the results to the many trials and experiments being run at the K-State Research and Extension Kansas River Valley Experiment field.

The event will begin at 5 p.m. Anita Dille will discuss integrating cover crop into your weed management plans; Nathan Nelson will talk about utilizing cover crops for erosion control; Stewart Duncan will introduce early weed control strategies in corn and soybeans; and Ignacio Ciampitti will talk about the evolution of production management practices for corn and soybean crops.

The field day will take place at Rossville Field—1 mile east of Rossville on U.S. Highway 24 on the south side of the road. To pre-register for the catered meal sponsored by Wilbur-Ellis, contact Michelle Wilson at the Shawnee County Extension Office by phone 785-232-0062, ext. 100, or email [email protected] by 5 p.m. on Aug. 13.