Sorghum board to meet

The Nebraska Grain Sorghum Board has scheduled a meeting for July 26 at the Fairfield Inn & Suites, 805 Allen Drive, Grand Island, NE 68803. The meeting will convene at 9 a.m. in Meeting Room A.

In addition to regular business, the board will consider funding requests, hear program updates, hold election of officers, and make committee assignments. The meeting is open to the public. Time will be allowed at the start of the meeting to receive public comment to offer input to Board programs. A copy of the agenda is available by emailing or by calling the Nebraska Grain Sorghum Board at 402-471-4276.

The seven sorghum farmers serving on the Nebraska Grain Sorghum Board administer the check-off assessed on all grain sorghum sold in the state. The board’s annual budget is allocated to the areas of research, market development and education.