Nebraska Grain Sorghum adds staff, welcomes new board member

Nebraska Grain Sorghum Board has welcomed Genevieve Tonniges to its staff to serve as a relationship manager and executive assistant.

Tonniges is completing a global studies program with an emphasis in French and Russian at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. She will graduate in December and her family farms in York County.

“I am incredibly excited to join the Nebraska Sorghum team and make an impact on agriculture in Nebraska, the United States and the world.”

The board also announced that Stuart Hoff, Lincoln, Nebraska, was appointed by Gov. Pete Ricketts to serve as the District 1 representative. “What a great time for sorghum to make a comeback in Nebraska. I am looking forward to being a part of the effort to promote the commodity and the state of Nebraska,” Hoff said.

Ricketts also recently reappointed several board members. They include Dennis Fitzke, Edgar, who was appointed to replace the recently retired Duane Vorderstrasse in District 2. Chairman David Junker, McCook, and Treasurer Scott Nelson, Axtell, were also reappointed to 3-year terms.