Summit on agricultural growth will be Aug. 23 in Manhattan

Join agriculture leaders from across the state at the third annual Kansas Governor’s Summit on Agricultural Growth on Aug. 23 at the Manhattan Conference Center at the Hilton Garden Inn. The summit is an interactive day filled with sessions designed to promote action and collaboration as the Kansas agriculture community works to create an environment that encourages growth throughout Kansas, in all areas of agriculture. Growth in agriculture has a direct impact on statewide economic growth: agriculture accounts for 45 percent of the state’s economy, and is valued at nearly $68 billion.

“When we look at the impact of agriculture in communities across the state and in the state’s economy as a whole, it is clear that growth in agriculture is key to growth of the Kansas economy,” said Gov. Jeff Colyer. “The annual Ag Growth Summit has been instrumental in the strategic planning process in the Kansas agriculture industry.”

The first two years of the Ag Growth Summit led to the development of desired growth outcomes in each of 19 Kansas agricultural sectors, and action plans to achieve those outcomes. This year’s summit will build upon those growth outcomes and action plans as attendees work together to develop strategies to overcome barriers and encourage growth. Breakout sessions will again focus on the specific sectors—from beef, corn and wheat to dairy, food processing and animal health—as well as on industry-wide topics that affect multiple sectors and agricultural communities across the state.

This year’s summit will again include an evening social event on Aug. 22, beginning at 6 p.m. at the Stanley Stout Center on the north side of the Kansas State University campus. The Ag Growth Summit will take place Aug. 23 at the Manhattan Conference Center at the Hilton Garden Inn, and will begin with an “eggs and issues” breakfast at 7 a.m., followed by the summit from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Participation in the summit and the social is free and open to the public, but registration is requested. Please register by Aug. 10 to guarantee lunch at the summit and/or dinner at the social event. A block of rooms is available at the Hilton Garden Inn; call 785-532-9116 by Aug. 3 to reserve a room.

All farmers, ranchers, agribusiness owners and industry professionals are welcome at the Ag Growth Summit—if you’re committed to working for agricultural growth in Kansas, please join us in this effort. More information about the Summit, including a link to the registration site, can be found at If you have questions about the summit, contact KDA at 785-564-6700 or email