Santa Gertrudis steer feedout results released

The results of the 2018 Santa Gertrudis Breeders International Steer Feedout confirm that the association’s reliable genetic evaluation identifies animals that perform at the highest level. Unfortunately, Bos indicus-influenced breeds are often portrayed as inferior from a carcass quality standpoint. However, knowledgeable cattlemen recognize that no single breed holds a monopoly on superior carcass quality. Research results clearly indicate that genetic variation exists both between and within breeds for many important beef cattle performance measures. Simply stated, selection within breed populations is a very effective tool for improving carcass traits, and Santa Gertrudis Breeders International’s reliable genetic evaluation ensures that cattlemen can make sound comparisons and identify genetics that will perform at the highest level.

Data from the recently completed 2018 SGBI Steer Feedout validates the fact that Santa Gertrudis feeders are profitable for all beef industry members and very capable of producing a consumer-pleasing product. Purebred Santa Gertrudis steers representing 25 different sire groups were fed at AzTx Feeders, Hereford, Texas, through the winter and spring and harvested at the Tyson Beef Plant in Amarillo, Texas, on June 29.

The cattle graded a remarkable 96 percent Choice, with 51 percent hitting the Premium Choice mark. The data collected by the Beef Carcass Research Center at West Texas A&M University reveals that the Santa Gertrudis genetic package reaches desired quality grade targets and does so in an effective, efficient and profitable manner. The steers’ average USDA Yield Grade was 2.98 with 50 percent of the carcasses scoring Yield Grade 1s and 2s. The data becomes even more impressive when taking into consideration that the ribeye area average was 14 square inches, and the cattle gained 3.51 pounds per day during the feeding period.

Results of the 2018 SGBI Steer Feedout are not an anomaly. The feedout findings support industry data collected and released in 2017 on 3,800 head harvested in 2015 and 2016. The industry-generated data showed Santa Gertrudis steers grading 70.9 percent Prime and Choice, surpassing the plant average of 62.3 percent by 8.6 percent. This information is valid and is proof that Santa Gertrudis feeders efficiently hit endpoint targets, producing a profitable animal for all beef industry members. Most important, the results of the numerous association, university and industry feeding trials and harvest data collection activities show that the final product pleases consumers.

In 2013, SGBI was the first American (Bos indicus-influenced) breed association to provide genomically enhanced EPDs. DNA data makes a GE-EPD more accurate and predictable than pedigree and performance predictions alone. SGBI was also the first beef breed association to use the powerful new single-step GE-EPD method.

SGBI’s genetic evaluation ensures industry members can make profitable selection decisions. SGBI’s spirit of innovation, along with decades of solid data collection and partnerships with world-leading animal scientists, geneticists and service providers create a solid foundation for its predictable genetic evaluation.