Lawrence County Horticulture Twilight Tour Aug. 21 highlights miscanthus production

The annual University of Missouri Extension "Horticulture Twilight Tour" in Lawrence County begins at 6:30 p.m., Aug. 21. The 2018 tour will highlight miscanthus production in Lawrence County.

The tour begins at M-Fiber headquarters, located at 19097 Highway 39 Aurora. The tour will then conclude at a nearby miscanthus field owned by Rusty Mulford.

M-Fiber, a subsidiary of Renew Biomass, focuses on all aspects of miscanthus production. The final product is used by the pet food industry and is an ingredient of most commercially available pet foods on the market today.

Those planning to attend should meet at the M-Fiber headquarters in Aurora. Tour participants should bring a lawn chair. The educational session will begin at 6:30 pm and will then proceed to an active miscanthus growing site.

Advance registration is not required. For more information, contact the Lawrence County MU Extension office in Mt. Vernon at 417-466-3102.