Miss Rodeo Kansas horsemanship competition

Yesterday I stopped by the arena at the Ford County Fairgrounds here in Dodge City to catch a bit of the Miss Rodeo Kansas horsemanship competition. Beautiful cowgirls and impressive clothing make for some nice photos. Shiny black horses from stock contractor Harry Vold’s string made them even more spectacular.

Competing for the 2019 Miss Rodeo Kansas is Brooke Wallace of New Cambria, Kansas and Lexi Luce of Augusta, Kansas. In the Miss Teen Rodeo Kansas, there are 3 contestants for 2019, Emma Losh of Concordia, Kansas; Kaylee Couch of Fredonia, Kansas; and Brayley Rae Frazier of Cimarron, Kansas.

Coronation of Miss Rodeo Kansas and Miss Teen Rodeo Kansas will take place Aug. 4 at the Boot Hill Casino and Resort starting at 11:30 a.m. For more information about Miss Rodeo Kansas visit www.missrodeokansas.org.