Nebraska FSA, NRCS team up for Husker Harvest Days information center

Leadership of the Nebraska USDA Farm Service Agency and Nebraska USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service invite farmers, ranchers and rural residents who are planning to attend Husker Harvest Days in Grand Island to visit the OneUSDA Information Center with questions on available federal farm programs.

Husker Harvest Days runs Sept. 11 to 13 on the HHD grounds near Wood River, Nebraska. 

“Stop in and see us for information on farm loan opportunities for the upcoming production season and to learn more about our full portfolio of commodity, conservation, credit and disaster assistance programs,” said Nebraska FSA State Executive Director Nancy Johner.

“This is a great event where our employees visit with producers about natural resource issues on their farming operations and share information about the funding and planning assistance available through our conservation programs,” said Nebraska NRCS State Conservationist Craig Derickson.

Johner said FSA and NRCS staff are excited to partner on the HHD grounds to answer producers’ questions and provide program information and updates.

“We recognize the important roles FSA and NRCS have in your agricultural operations,” Johner said. “Secretary Perdue has made customer service a priority within his administration at USDA, and that is the goal for our OneUSDA information center.”

Nebraska FSA and NRCS booth space is in the Nebraska Association of Resources Districts building located in the southeast quadrant of the grounds at lot 39E. Look for the blue building. For more information about FSA and NRCS programs, please visit