Farm tour, veteran agriculture program slated Oct. 19-20 in San Angelo area

The Texas AgrAbility Program and Battleground to Breaking Ground Project of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service will host a farm tour and agricultural business workshop Oct. 19 to 20 in the San Angelo area for veterans, individuals with disabilities, and beginning farmers and ranchers.

“The tour and workshop are both free and open to anyone in the area interested in starting an agriculture-related business,” said Erin Kimbrough, AgriLife Extension specialist in family and community health.

Lunch is included in the Oct. 20 workshop, sponsored by Farm Credit Bank of Texas.

Kimbrough said both the farm tour and agricultural business program will be held at the Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center, 7887 U.S. Highway 87 in Grape Creek, just outside San Angelo.

The center tour and networking event will be from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Oct. 19.


“Dr. Travis Whitney, livestock nutrition specialist, will be putting together some hands-on learning activities and a farm tour of the center,” Kimbrough said. “Participants can vote for the specific topics to be discussed when they register. These topics include livestock parasite management, range management, cultivated crops, and feeds and feeding. Attendees will also have the opportunity to mingle and discuss topics of mutual interest.”

To register for the farm tour/networking event, go to

The Battleground to Breaking Ground agricultural workshop for veterans and others will be from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Oct. 20.

“Battleground to Breaking Ground agriculture workshops are designed for veterans with or without disabilities, their spouses, small-scale producers and anyone else interested in starting an agricultural business,” Kimbrough said.

Workshop sessions will include agriculture business start-up, business plan development, possibilities for farming/ranching with a disability, financial funding sources for farming and ranching, and marketing and other resources available to support agriculture business operations.

To register for the workshop, go to