Reminder: Claims filing deadline in Syngenta corn seed class action settlement is Oct. 12
The Claims Administrator of the $1.51 billion settlement reached in In re Syngenta MIR162 Corn Litigation, No. 14-md-2591-JWL-JPO (D. Kan.) and other related actions issues the following announcement on behalf of Settlement Class Counsel to remind corn farmers, ethanol plants, and grain handling facilities that the deadline to file a claim in this settlement is Oct. 12.
Corn farmers, ethanol plants, and grain handling facilities should go to the settlement’s official website,, to submit claims quickly and easily online. These electronic claims must be submitted by Oct. 12. Class members can also download claim forms from to print and mail to the Claims Administrator. Hard copy claim forms must be postmarked by Oct. 12.
For more information, go to, email the Claims Administrator at, or call 1-833-567-CORN (1-833-567-2676).