Lexington Livestock Market report

The Lexington Livestock Market, Lexington, Nebraska, reported receipts of 1,749 head selling on Oct. 5, compared to 1,516 head a week ago and 1,400 head last year, according to the USDA-Nebraska Department of Agriculture Market News Service, Kearney, Nebraska.

There were not enough comparable offerings a week ago, therefore a trend is not applicable. Demand was good from the buyers in the crowd. The calf and feeder supply included 75% steers and 23% heifers with the balance on bulls. 78% of the run weighed over 600 pounds.

Feeder steers: Medium and large frame 1, 10 head, 538 lbs., 186.00; 37 head, 560 lbs., 188.00; 218 head, 677 lbs., 177.00 calves; 17 head, 775 lbs., 162.50; 87 head, 758 lbs., 156.00 calves; 860 to 888 lbs., 161.25 to 162.50 (162.06); 900 to 907 lbs., 160.75 to 163.10 (162.62). Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 9 head, 317 lbs., 200.00; 22 head, 412 lbs., 200.00; 12 head, 502 lbs., 181.25; 18 head, 633 lbs., 164.00 calves; 5 head, 689 lbs., 151.00 calves; 12 head, 890 lbs., 146.00 fleshy; 13 head, 945 lbs., 144.00; 7 head, 978 lbs., 138.50 fleshy.

Feeder heifers: Medium and large frame 1, 473 to 488 lbs., 165.00; 87 head, 552 lbs., 174.00 replacement; 99 head, 640 lbs., 173.00 replacement; 13 head, 1014 lbs., 138.00; 10 head, 1078 lbs., 128.00. Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 11 head, 326 lbs., 185.00; 403 to 445 lbs., 157.00 to 163.00 (157.99); 8 head, 465 lbs., 159.00; 23 head, 565 lbs., 155.00.

Feeder bulls: Medium and large frame 1, 17 head, 474 lbs., 187.50; 6 head, 572 lbs., 181.00.