Sorghum, wheat, soybean cash bids mixed

Kansas City wheat prices Oct. 9, spot, fob track, included: No. 1 hard red winter wheat, ordinary protein, $6.04 1/2 to $6.19 1/2, up 15 1/4 cents; 12% protein, $6.04 1/2 to $6.19 1/2, down 4 3/4 cents; 13% protein, $6.04 1/2 to $6.19 1/2, down 4 3/4 cents; 14% protein, $6.04 1/2 to $6.10 1/2, down 4 3/4 cents. U.S. No. 2 soft red winter wheat was unavailable. U.S. No. 2 white corn was unavailable.