Taking care of business

I want to brag on Washington for a few minutes. Before you roll your eyes, hear me out.

Good things are happening here, and they are not in the headlines. That’s because these accomplishments aren’t flashy, sexy or provocative.

Because our nation is deeply divided, it is a shame that major news networks do not cover the productivity happening in Washington. Instead, they focus on trivial and divisive topics that usually do not have an effect on the average American.

Well, today I’m going to use the soapbox to tell you about the progress that you may not have heard about. Grab some popcorn.

Regulation rollbacks. These babies have saved taxpayers nearly $50 billion. Congress has rolled back more than a dozen of President Barack Obama’s regulations. Earlier this year, implementation of the infamous Waters of the United States was delayed by two years, giving the Environmental Protection Agency time to come up with a replacement.

Tax cuts. The largest reform to the federal tax code in 31 years to be exact. Did you notice a bump in your paycheck earlier this year?

These two major accomplishments have spurred the American economy, with the creation of more than 4 million jobs in the past two years. Right now, there are more jobs than people to fill them. Last month, America hit the lowest employment rate since the 1960s.

Military pay raises. All military troops are getting a 2.6 percent pay raise. The VA MISSION Act also knocked down hurdles for veterans to receive medical care from more providers.

Anti-sex trafficking legislation. This targets trafficking websites and companies while also helping victims.

“Right to Try.” This bill gives terminally ill patients the ability to try medical experimental care that may save their lives.

Boosting the trades. The Strengthening Career and Technical Education Act provides more Americans with the tools to learn more skilled trades.

The Countering America’s Adversaries through Sanctions Act. President Donald Trump has sanctioned Iran, Russia and North Korea.

Reshaping the judiciary. Former President Obama did not put a priority on filling judge vacancies, so President Trump is seizing the opportunity to make a lasting impact on the judiciary system. Dozens of judges have been confirmed. A conservative tilt of the U.S. Supreme Court. Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh now sit on the bench.

Improving infrastructure. This week the U.S. Senate is progressing on a water infrastructure bill, which will likely be law by the time you’re reading this. The bill cuts red tape for projects, helps preserve dams and levees and cleans up drinking water.

No government shutdown. Though this sounds silly, Congress passed all dozen appropriations bills on time this year—something that has not been done in decades.

Finally, the farm bill. The Senate and House have both passed their farm bills and are now reconciling them.

Contrary to what you may read and watch in the mainstream media, Republicans are getting things done in Washington—with or without help from Democrats.

Editor’s note: Seymour Klierly writes Washington Whispers for the Journal from inside the Beltway.

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