Winter Livestock Forage Program set for Dec. 13 in Coleman

The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service Winter Livestock Forage Program is set for Dec. 13 in the Tillman Room of the Coleman Library Annex, 408 Commercial St. in Coleman.

The program will feature a variety of topics of interest to both livestock and forage producers in the region, according to Michael Palmer, AgriLife Extension agent in Coleman County.

“There have been significant challenges for both livestock and forage producers in our region this year,” Palmer said. “This program will address those issues and provide attendees useful strategies they will want to consider this winter and looking ahead to 2019.”

Cost is $10 before Dec. 11and early registration can be made by calling the AgriLife Extension office in Coleman at 325-625-4519 or email

Registration is $20 following the Dec. 11 deadline. Three continuing education units will be offered to Texas Department of Agriculture pesticide applicator license holders.

Topics and speakers will be:

• Livestock Nutritional Requirements, Travis Whitney, Texas A&M AgriLife Research range nutritionist, San Angelo.

• Stocking Rates Based on Nutritional Value of Pasture Grasses, Morgan Treadwell, AgriLife Extension range specialist, San Angelo.

• Small Grain Forages/Alternative Options – Are We Too Late?, Reagan Noland, AgriLife Extension agronomist, San Angelo.

• Market Updates and 2019 Predictions, Bill Thompson, AgriLife Extension economist, San Angelo.