Sorghum producers announce increase to annual scholarship

The Nebraska Grain Sorghum Producers Association announces its annual scholarship, to be awarded to a graduating high school senior or to a student currently enrolled in post-high school education, is increased to $500.

To qualify, the student must plan to pursue a course of study in preparation for a career in agriculture or an ag-related field. If the applicant is currently enrolled in college, his/her studies must be ag-oriented. The applicant’s parents or guardian must be a member of the Nebraska Grain Sorghum Producers Association.

The screening and selection of the scholarship recipient will be done by a special scholarship committee appointed by the Nebraska Grain Sorghum Producers Association. The committee will determine one winner and one alternate. Notification will be made by May 1, 2019, in time for spring commencement ceremonies, if appropriate. The proceeds of the scholarship may be applied to the winning candidate’s tuition or other educational expenses.

Deadline to apply for the Nebraska Grain Sorghum Producers Association Scholarship is Feb. 1, 2019. Application forms are currently available and can be obtained by contacting the school guidance counselor, vocational ag teacher or the NeGSPA office at P.O. Box 94982, Lincoln, Nebraska 68509. You can also call 402-471-3552 or email [email protected].