KDA announces Riparian Quality Enhancement Initiative

The Kansas Department of Agriculture–Division of Conservation announces the Riparian Quality Enhancement Initiative to provide financial assistance for the enhancement of riparian areas. This initiative will be made available to designated areas within the Delaware River, Stranger Creek, Little Arkansas River and Rock Creek Watersheds. Riparian areas are the vegetation and habitats along rivers and streams. 

This initiative will support practices that provide new alternative water sources, increase riparian fencing, and enhance the riparian area. Projects will receive 80 percent cost share, with a limit that varies based on the type of project; funding will be through the Riparian and Wetland Protection Program. The streams that have been targeted for this initiative were selected because they are labeled as Total Maximum Daily Loading for E. coli or fecal coliform bacteria by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment. All areas that are part of a producer’s grazing system are eligible for cost share—pasture, range and cropland—so long as livestock have access to the riparian area for water or shelter.

Interested producers should consult with their Conservation District or the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service to submit a project proposal. All applications for the RQEI will be due by Feb. 15, 2019, and successful applicants will be notified by March 15, 2019. 

For a full list of practices that can be included in the RQEI initiative, a map of the targeted watersheds, and additional program guidance, along with a link to contact information for Kansas Conservation Districts, go to agriculture.ks.gov/Riparian.