Colorado’s Veterinary Education Loan Repayment Program names first recipients

Drs. Catherine “Callie” Kuntz and Kayle Austin have been selected as the first recipients of the Veterinary Education Loan Repayment Program, which was established by Colorado law in 2017. Through this unique program, graduates of veterinary schools are eligible for up to $70,000 of student loan repayment over four years while working in areas of the state experiencing a shortage of veterinarian services.

This program recognizes the burden many young veterinarians face after graduation. The average debt for 2016 veterinary school graduates across the country was more than $167,000. It also addresses the need for professional services for large and small animals in rural communities.

Kuntz and Austin were selected from a handful of applicants by a council that oversees the Veterinary Education Loan Repayment Program. Council members are appointed by the governor, and supported by Colorado State University administrative staff.

Dr. Mark Stetter, a wildlife veterinarian and dean of the CSU College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, expressed his sincere congratulations to the award recipients. He also acknowledged the hard work by a group of bipartisan legislators who care about agriculture in Colorado that created the program.

“We are indebted to Rep. Joann Ginal, Rep. Jeni Arndt and Sen. Jerry Sonnenberg who worked diligently to establish the Veterinary Education Loan Repayment Program,” said Stetter.