Colorado Fruit & Vegetable Growers Association conference set for Feb. 24-25

The Colorado Fruit & Vegetable Growers Association will feature a small farms workshop track throughout its sixth annual conference Feb. 24 to 25 at the Renaissance Denver Stapleton Hotel. Workshop sessions will include produce pricing strategies, developing & implementing a farm food safety plan, farm labor management best practices and recordkeeping and farm management.

"Most who are new to farming will tell you there is so much to learn and that they greatly appreciate opportunities to learn and be mentored," said Adrian Card, CFVGA founding board member and chair of the conference committee. "This special track for small farmers provides four and a half hours of training on some fundamental principles for successful farming. It also provides an opportunity for small farmers to meet others at a similar place in their careers and continue networking after the conference concludes."

To emphasize its focus on including beginning growers, CFVGA is offering a free, annual membership to growers who join for the first time and attend conference. When joining at, new members may use the code first-timer to claim their free membership, before completing conference registration.

Also featured will be new technologies and products offered by an expected 50-plus exhibitors and the grower-buyer networking session, which introduces farmers to produce buyers in a fast-paced, "speed-dating" style format.

In addition to the small farm track, conference sessions will include produce marketing trends, agricultural labor, organic rule changes, new market opportunities, biological pest control, produce safety and more. Also part of the conference is CFVGA’s annual member meeting to be held following lunch Feb. 24. 

More information on the small farm workshop track and all CFVGA conference topics is available at: Those companies and organization that want more information on the grower-buyer networking session or on being an exhibitor can find details at this same site, or they can contact CFVGA directly at 303.594.3827 or [email protected]

The CFVGA is comprised of more than 250 members, including growers of all sizes and types of production throughout the state, as well as representatives of allied industries. The Colorado fruit and vegetable growing sector contributes nearly $485 million to Colorado at the farm gate and is multiplied as it goes through the distribution chain. Over 90,000 Colorado acres are in fruit and vegetable production.