3-county workshop teaches pecan production basics

Pecans, native to Arkansas, are one of the most desired tree nuts in the world.

Those interested in learning the basics of pecan production can attend a March 12 pecan production meeting hosted by the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture.

The workshop, hosted jointly by the Lonoke, Prairie and White County offices of the Cooperative Extension Service, will be held 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at ASU Beebe Farm, 1403 W. Center St. in Beebe, Arkansas.

Extension experts will teach site selection, soil sampling and fertility and discuss cross pollination, spacing and pruning. Attendees also will learn about orchard management, marketing and protecting their pecans from insects and diseases.

The workshop cost is $20 and includes lunch. Pre-registration is required before March 2 can be completed online at https://uaex.formstack.com/forms/pecan_production. Registration and payment also can also be mailed to the Prairie County Depository, P.O. Box 388, DeValls Bluff, AR 72041.