Springfield feeder cattle sale results

Springfield Livesotck Marketing Center, Springfield, Missouri, reported receipts of 2,628 head of feeder cattle selling on Feb. 19, compared to 921 head on Feb. 12 and 627 head a year ago, according to the USDA-Missouri Department of Agriculture Market News, Jefferson City, Missouri.

Compared to a light test the previous week, the steers and heifers were selling $10 to $20 higher with the most increase on 450- to 650-pound steers and 450- to 600-pound heifers. The demand was very good and the supply was heavy. The quality ran high throughout the sale. The demand and supply has been negatively effected by the weather the last two weeks. Stronger fundamentals and the approaching grazing season is driving the trade. The sale included 134 head of 775-pound medium and large frame 1 steers, for current delivery, selling on the video for $144. The supply included 100% feeder cattle with 51% steers, 46% was heifers and 3% was bulls. The feeder cattle supply weighing over 600 pounds was 50%.