Final winter webinar focuses on pasture and forage management

Beef cow-calf producers recognize the importance of staying informed on all aspects of their operation, and the fourth and final webinar in the Winter Cow Webinar series from Iowa Beef Center will help do that. The session is set for March 10, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., and focuses on pasture and forage management.

Iowa State University extension program specialist Beth Reynolds said the series is intended to provide timely topics for beef cow management and the opportunity to access the information by joining the webinar at their own location or at any of the nine host sites listed below.

Rebecca Vittetoe, Iowa State University east central field agronomist, will kick off the discussion and share information on spring forage management. Jeff Mathias, the Natural Resources Conservation Service State Grasslands Specialist, will share information on some changes to grazing CRP. The final speaker of the night is Adam Janke, Iowa State University Extension Wildlife Specialist, who will talk about wildlife interactions when grazing.

There is no cost to attend an in-person location or to view the webinar at home. If you plan to attend one of the in-person locations listed below, you’re encouraged to preregister by calling the host location.

To view the webinar from your own location, you’ll need to complete the online registration form prior to the seminar. Look for the “Join this live webinar” link on the main webinar series page Use that same link to join the seminar when it begins.