State-By-State Hay Summary

Colorado—In the March 12 report, compared to last week, trade activity light on light to moderate demand. The price spread between dairy quality alfalfa and grinder hay continues to grow due to inventories.

Iowa—In the March 3 report for the reporting period Feb. 16 to 29, compared to last report, prices on supreme and premium alfalfa, alfalfa/grass and grass fully steady. All other grades steady.

Kansas—According to the March 17 report, the hay market trade was slow and alfalfa prices remain steady. Producers have been trying to move what inventory they have left prior to new crop, but without much luck.

Missouri—In the March 12 report, the supply of hay is moderate, demand is light to moderate, and prices are steady. Several loads of round bales were spotted on the roads this week and quite a few listings being added as producers are trying to move any extra inventory before new crop hay arrives.

Montana—In the March 13 report, compared to the last week, all classes of hay sold generally steady. Supplies of feeder hay remain moderate in squares and heavy in rounds. Ranchers continue to buy hay on an as need basis, however sales continue to be light this week.

Nebraska—In the March 12 report, compared to last week, alfalfa and grass hay sold steady to $5 lower. Ground and delivered hay steady to $10 lower and alfalfa pellets sold steady. With warm, sunny weather demand has soften on large round bales of hay and cornstalks. However, demand remains good for large squares shipping out of state.

New Mexico—Hay reporting has ended for the season. Reports will resume May 2020.

Oklahoma—In the March 12 report, alfalfa and hay trade movement was at a standstill this week, trade remains steady. Most of the alfalfa quoted at the top of the price ranges, had to be flawless. Milk prices declined again this week. These declines are reducing the demand for alfalfa hay.

South Dakota—In the March 13 report, compared to last week, very few reported sales this week. Demand only moderate. As livestock markets have been under heavy pressure hay users are looking to buy hay cheaper. Supplies of dairy hay remain tight, much more available supplies of lower quality hay.

Texas—In the March 13 report, compared to last report, hay trades are steady in all regions. Hay demand in south Texas remains very good with prices staying firm as the regions continues to deal with drought like conditions and shortening hay supplies.

Wyoming—In the March 12 report, compared to last week, hay sold steady. Demand was moderate to good. Most producers are sold out of hay with a few guys stating they have some semi loads of small squares of alfalfa for sale.