Cattle U comes to Dodge City, Kansas July 29 & 30

Practical, useful learning for cattlemen on agenda

High Plains Journal is once again hosting a two-day learning opportunity, Cattle U & Trade Show, July 29 and 30 at the United Wireless Arena, Dodge City, Kansas.

The event will feature keynote sessions and breakouts aimed at cow-calf, stocker and feeder producers. Sessions will provide practical, actionable information on topics such as: animal health, genetics, marketing, nutrition, reproduction, forage and range management, finance and more. 

One of the first confirmed speakers is Brandi Buzzard Frobose, a Kansas rancher, blogger and communications professional who was named National Cattlemen’s Beef Association’s 2019 Advocate of the Year. Frobose writes about her family and their Kansas ranch on her blog, “Buzzard’s Beat.” She connects with readers by sharing stories about raising cattle and starting a ranch with her husband, raising their young daughter, and more. Frobose will keynote the first day of Cattle U, as well as conduct a breakout session on advocacy methods for today’s cattlemen.

Another confirmed speaker will be Dave Nichols, owner of Nichols Farms in southwest Iowa. The Nichols family markets bulls, semen and embryos throughout the world. Dave Nichols will speak to the importance of using every tool available to today’s cattle producers in order to make the best herds even better.

The two-day program will feature keynote speakers each day, breakout sessions, a trade show, and a special social event planned exclusively for Cattle U attendees July 29 at the Dodge City Roundup Arena prior to the Roundup Rodeo performance. Rodeo tickets are available as an add-on to registration for $19 for adults 13 and older and $10.25 for children 12 and under.

Attendee registration is now open at An Early Bird Discount rate of $85 is good through April 30. Regular registration price starting May 1 will be $135 per person.

Cattle U Trade Show space is currently available, but filling up quickly. Exhibitors have the opportunity to save 20% on booth space rates until April 30 as well.  To inquire about how your company can exhibit at this premier educational event for cattle producers, contact Zac Stuckey at 316-516-3670 or

For more event information and to see the general schedule at a glance, visit