Soybean conditions reported

For the week ending May 10, the following soybean crop conditions were reported by USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service:

Nebraska: Soybeans planted was 54%, well ahead of 18 last year and 23 average. Emerged was 6%, ahead of 1 both last year and average.

Kansas: Soybeans planted was 23%, ahead of 6 last year and 11 average. Emerged was 6%, near 2 average.

Oklahoma: Soybeans planted reached 30%, up 16 points from the previous year and up 12 points from normal.

South Dakota: Soybeans planted was 23%, ahead of 13 average. Emerged was 1%.

Minnesota: Soybean planting progress was 57% completed, 25 days ahead of last year and 9 days ahead of average. Soybean emergence reached 5%, which is 17 days ahead of last year and 5 days ahead of average.

Iowa: Northwest and North Central Iowa lead the way in soybean planting with less than 20% remaining to be planted.

Missouri: Soybeans planted progressed to 14%, 10 percentage points ahead of last year, while soybean emerged progressed to 4%.