Aberdeen feeder cattle auction results

Hub City Livestock Auction, Aberdeen, South Dakota reported receipts of 4,124 head of feeder cattle selling on June 10, compared to 4,035 head selling on June 3 and 4,898 head selling a year ago, according to the USDA-South Dakota Department of Agriculture, Worthing, South Dakota.

Compared the previous week, the best test was on steers weighing 900 to 950 pounds that were mostly steady with an instance of $4 higher, while those weighing 951 to 1,100 pounds were selling $2 to $4 lower with instances up to $6 lower on those weighing 950 to 1,000 pounds. The best test was on heifers weighing 600 to 650 pounds, those 750 to 800 pounds and those 900 to 950 pounds were steady to $1 lower. The demand was moderate to good for the large offering that featured mostly strings and loads. The flesh was somewhat divided with lighter, back grounding type cattle in light to moderate flesh and heavier finishing type cattle in moderate plus to heavy flesh. The quality was mostly average to attractive. The market was moderate to active. The area saw rain at the start of the week and some areas had heavy winds with some damage reported. This rain will most likely end the planting season as any remaining fields will probably be too wet to get into. The supply included 100% feeder cattle with 52% steers and 48% was heifers. The feeder cattle supply weighing over 600 pounds was 94%.

Feeder steers: Medium and large frame 1, per hundredweight/actual weight, 27 head, 569 lbs., 166.50; 19 head, 633 to 636 lbs., 149.50 to 163.00 (152.35); 83 head, 670 to 693 lbs., 147.75 to 151.00 (150.06); 28 head, 679 lbs., 141.00 fleshy; 29 head, 704 to 749 lbs., 143.00 to 146.00 (144.68); 184 head, 759 to 797 lbs., 132.00 to 142.50 (137.56); 115 head, 813 to 836 lbs., 129.50 to 137.25 (131.74); 160 head, 868 to 889 lbs., 127.00 to 128.00 (127.32); 441 head, 900 to 945 lbs., 118.00 to 126.75 (121.80); 236 head, 997 to 999 lbs., 112.25 to 117.30 (114.91); 43 head, 952 lbs., 109.75 fleshy. Large frame 1, 171 head, 1000 to 1018 lbs., 110.75 to 114.75 (113.29); 11 head, 1006 lbs., 107.50 fleshy; 215 head, 1059 to 1093 lbs., 103.00 to 112.25 (108.18); 74 head, 1104 to 1122 lbs., 106.25 to 108.75 (108.08); 26 head, 1129 lbs., 100.00 fleshy; 53 head, 1159 lbs., 106.25.

Feeder heifers: Medium and large frame 1, 12 head, 394 lbs., 160.00; 22 head, 418 to 448 lbs., 152.00 to 156.00 (154.96); 21 head, 532 lbs., 147.50; 90 head, 577 to 596 lbs.,141.00 to 143.00 (141.24); 138 head, 607 to 646 lbs., 134.00 to 144.00 (138.46); 207 head, 659 to 695 lbs., 130.00 to 140.25 (135.40); 43 head, 710 to 744 lbs., 135.50 to 138.00 (136.12); 162 head, 751 to 796 lbs., 118.50 to 132.50 (124.77); 21 head, 769 lbs., 139.00 replacement; 148 head, 800 to 849 lbs., 121.00 to 131.00 (122.93); 61 head, 883 lbs., 114.25; 204 head, 906 to 941 lbs., 103.00 to 108.75 (107.00 ); 120 head, 972 to 984 lbs., 103.75 to 108.75 (106.31). Medium and large frame 1, per head/actual weight, 22 head, 787 lbs., 1000.00 replacement. Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 16 head, 558 to 597 lbs., 127.00 to 132.00 (129.10); 55 head, 612 to 636 lbs., 122.00 to 128.00 (124.01); 20 head, 748 lbs., 105.50. Large frame 1, 260 head, 1005 to 1036 lbs., 100.50 to 107.00 (106.46); 169 head, 1160 to 1197 lbs., 97.25 to 99.50 (99.02).