Vesicular Stomatitis in Nebraska

The Nebraska Department of Agriculture has confirmed a case of Vesicular Stomatitis in a horse in Buffalo County. The horses on the infected premises have been quarantined. At present time, one additional horse on the premises is also exhibiting VS symptoms. All animals on the infected premises will be quarantined for at least 14 days after the onset of lesions in the last affected animal.

“Vesicular Stomatitis is primarily transmitted through the bite of infected black flies, sand flies and midges,” said State Veterinarian Dr. Dennis Hughes. “There are things livestock owners can do to reduce flies and other insects where animals are housed, but, until freezing temperatures move in and kill the insects that spread the virus, VS will continue to be a threat in Nebraska.”

Hughes went on to say, “Since VS can also spread by contact between animals and by shared equipment, like tools or tack, we want livestock owners to be aware and practice good biosecurity measures with their animals, particularly with animals that may comingle with others.”

To help prevent the spread of the disease, Nebraska has import restrictions for livestock coming into the state from states that have confirmed VS cases. If you are considering moving an animal into Nebraska from an affected state, please call 402-471-2351 to learn more about the importation order.

Although humans can become infected when handling the affected animals, it rarely occurs. To avoid human exposure, people should use personal protective measures when handling affected animals.

VS is a notifiable disease. Individuals or practitioners who suspect or have concerns about VS should contact NDA at 402-471-2351. For more information on VS, visit