Rice leads off series of online research field days for Arkansas commodities
Rice will lead off a series of online commodity-based field days designed to give Arkansans a first look at the latest University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture research and extension from the safety of their homes.
The rice field day will be held at 6 p.m. on Aug. 20, and will be followed at two-week intervals by corn on Sept. 3, soybeans on Sept. 17 and cotton on Oct. 1.
Social distancing protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic led the Division of Agriculture to take its annual agricultural field days online, said Nathan Slaton, associate vice president for agriculture and assistant director of the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station.
The rice field day will cover new varieties, the latest research in hybrid varieties, soil fertility, weed management, and disease and pest control.
The field days are free, but registration is required to connect. Register for the rice field day at https://bit.ly/ArkRiceOnline.
For more information about the online field days and to register for the later commodity events, visit the 2020 virtual field day website at https://aaes.uark.edu/field-days. A recording of the field day will be available on demand from the website after the live broadcast on Aug. 20.