Checkoff-funded curriculum brings beef into the classroom

The Kansas Beef Council recently hosted an educational training session during the Kansas Association for Career and Technical Education virtual conference. The webinar focused on equipping educators with science-based information and providing tools to help dispel common beef nutrition and production-related myths.

During the training, KBC demonstrated two new checkoff-funded, teacher-developed curricula for middle school and high school STEM and family and consumer science classes. Both aim to offer students a greater understanding of beef production and include interactive learning options about the beef life cycle and the role of beef in a healthy and sustainable diet. Checkoff-funded curriculum like these create greater beef literacy that can lead to more in-depth investigations and activities.
This checkoff-funded program is one part of KBC’s greater nutrition outreach program that seeks to disseminate science-based information to consumers showing how beef fits within a healthy and active lifestyle. KBC routinely interacts with leading dietitians and health influencers through seminars like Nutrition Adventure and the annual dietetic intern media training workshops that focus on educating health influencers using peer-reviewed beef research.