Kansas Corn offers collegiate scholarship

Kansas Corn is now accepting applications from college students for the Next Generation Scholarship and Collegiate Academy programs. These programs are part of an overall effort by Kansas Corn Growers Association and Kansas Corn Commission to provide opportunities for college students of all majors to learn more about the corn industry, explore issues facing agriculture and embrace the ways they can impact the industry with their future career paths.

To be considered for the Next Generation Scholarship, students must be at least a sophomore enrolled in a post-secondary institution, have a student membership in KCGA or have a parent or guardian with a full, three-year KCGA membership. Collegiate Academy applicants must have a KCGA student membership and attend college in Kansas. Participation in Kansas Corn collegiate programs is open to post-secondary students attending four-year colleges, community colleges and technical schools.

Students accepted into the Collegiate Academy will be given the opportunity to dive deeper into the corn industry, provided with insights into the opportunities and hurdles that lie ahead of the corn industry and learn how their future career paths may be impacted. Participants will spend a day focused on policy in Topeka and a week at Corn Congress in Washington D.C. The learning sessions are rounded out with two other weekend sessions across the state of Kansas during spring 2021. Some sessions may change pending travel restrictions due to COVID-19.

Additional information about Kansas Corn’s collegiate opportunities, including deadlines, applications, reference forms and the Kansas Corn Growers Association student membership form can be found on Kansas Corn’s website kscorn.com/collegiate. Questions can be emailed to Emily Koop at ekoop@ksgrains.com.