Rep. Tracey Mann selected for House ag committee

New Rep. Tracey Mann, R-KS, announced Jan. 25 that he has been selected for the House Agriculture Committee.

Kansas has 60,000 farms and agriculture dominates the state’s economy, he said. The First District is made up of farmers, ranchers, feedlot managers, nutritionists, ethanol producers, ag lenders and agribusiness owners who feed, fuel and clothe the world.

“My roots in agriculture run deep. I grew up on a farm just south of Quinter, Kansas, and every person in my family has been involved in production agriculture in some way,” Mann said. “I spent thousands of hours on a tractor and working on my family’s feed yard. I understand agriculture and have a passion for our rural way of life. The values of faith, family, and caring for our neighbors are alive and well, and I will continue working to preserve them for future generations.”

Mann said his focus is on three priorities:

1. Protect and strengthen crop insurance. Agriculture faces risks and uncertainty unlike any other industry and producers need to have the tools necessary to manage this risk. 

2. Stop regulatory and administrative overreach. He said he will push back on regulations, conduct oversight as the Joe Biden administration introduces executive orders, and work to stop overreach from U.S. Department of Agriculture, Environmental Protection Agency, Interior Department and other federal agencies.

3.  Increase trade. He wants to promote free and fair trade around the world and work for increased market access. Trade is essential to increase demand and thus prices for farmers and ranchers, which in turn also helps Main Street businesses and strengthens communities across the Big First. He wants to focus on a long-term approach to trade and think of trading partners three, five and 10 years down the road.

In a Facebook post, the First District representative said he ran for Congress with intentions to advocate for agriculture.

"I look forward to rolling up my sleeves and getting to work for Kansas farmers and ranchers," Mann said.

Watch the full announcement below.


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