Winter wheat conditions reported

Late February reports from USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service noted the following wheat crop conditions:

Nebraska: Winter wheat condition rated 9% very poor, 13% poor, 44% fair, 33% good, and 1% excellent.

Kansas: Winter wheat condition rated 8% very poor, 20% poor, 35% fair, 34% good, and 3% excellent.

Oklahoma: Winter wheat grazed reached 48 percent, 7 points below the previous year.

Texas: Winter wheat still needed moisture in most areas of the state. Producers were fertilizing winter wheat in the Northern Low Plains.

South Dakota: Winter wheat condition rated 1% very poor, 15% poor, 43% fair, 41% good, and 0% excellent.

Colorado: In northeastern counties, winter wheat benefited from snow cover and received moisture was welcome throughout the district.