Missouri cattle industry crowns 2021 beef queen

Avery Schiereck from El Dorado Springs, Missouri, was recently crowned the 2021 Missouri Beef Queen during the 53rd annual Missouri Cattle Industry Convention and Trade Show. Schiereck represented the Cedar County Cattlemen’s Association and is the daughter of Jarod and Amanda Schiereck. She received a $1,000 scholarship.

Winning first runner-up was Krayson Leonard, representing St. Clair County Cattlemen’s. She received a $500 scholarship. The second runner-up was Shaye Siegel, representing Cooper County Cattlemen’s. She received a $250 scholarship. The third runner-up was Lillian Gildehaus, representing Franklin County Cattlemen’s.

Each of the four contestants presented a speech on a topic relating to the beef industry and interviewed with a panel of three judges. The Missouri Beef Queen will be responsible for representing the Missouri beef industry at livestock shows, conferences and events throughout the year. The Missouri CattleWomen’s Association hosts the contest each year. It is also supported by the Missouri Cattlemen’s Association and Missouri’s Cattlemen Foundation.

J-N-J Cattle, Carolyn Dieckman; Sue Day; Patty Wood; Darla Haines; and Bates County CattleWomen sponsored the contest.

"The Missouri Beef Queen Contest is a great way to offer our young women an opportunity at ambassadorship for our industry," said Darla Haines, who chairs the contest with the help of Carolyn Dieckman. "We find our best and brightest and empower them to continue their advocacy in the industry."