Registration open for Stockmanship & Stewardship event in Leavenworth

Registration now is open for the Stockmanship & Stewardship event that will be held in Leavenworth June 16 to 18. During the three-day educational session, attendees can become certified in Beef Quality Assurance, participate in hands-on demonstrations led by stockmanship experts Curt Pate and Ron Gill, receive updates on important industry issues and network with fellow cattlemen and women.

To register or to find more information about the schedule, click here. Cattle producers attending the event are eligible for reimbursement through the Rancher Resilience Grant.

To apply for a grant to cover registration costs and two nights hotel, click here.

The Stockmanship & Stewardship program is sponsored by National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, Merck Animal Health and the beef checkoff-funded National Beef Quality Assurance program.