News out of Afghanistan is tough on many fronts

I read an article pasted on Facebook that was written by the parents of a young man who served in the military and in Afghanistan.

It stated that this young man was so distraught that he couldn’t even talk about it. Some of his friends died over there and others, including himself, came back with post-traumatic stress disorder. And the way we walked away and let the Taliban take over has a lot of Americans questioning a lot of things. I feel sorry for those over there hoping and fighting for freedom and then all of a sudden fighting for their lives.

Since then I have seen where China and Russia are making deals with the Taliban. There are preachers thinking the stage is being set for Jesus to return. The preacher said on Sunday you may have given up on God but God has not given up on you.

Recently beef went up $25.50 per hundredweight and that should equate to $16.19 per hundredweight more live out of the feedlot and basically the packer gave $2 per hundredweight more. If any cattle organization, whether it be state, local or national can’t see the rip off it is either in bed with the packer or else stupid. No one can be that dumb. Fat cattle should be selling for $211.90 live. This is tiring.

Killing cows were some cheaper this week but we almost always get cheaper between now and October. When these cow slaughtering plants get cows given to them then they can price however they want. There is less demand when they get too many.

A wife, being the romantic sort, sent her husband a text. It read, “If you are sleeping send me your dreams. If you are laughing send me your smile. If you are eating send me a bite. If you are drinking send me a sip. If you are crying send me a tear. I love you.”

The husband was the very nonromantic type and replied, “I am on the toilet please advise.”

I just told my suitcases that we are not going on vacation this year. Now I’m dealing with emotional baggage.

My body has absorbed so much hand sanitizer that now when I pee it cleans the toilet.

My wife told me to make my own sanitizer so I made a rum and Coke.

Editor’s note: Jerry Nine, Woodward, Oklahoma, is a lifetime cattleman who grew up on his family’s ranch near Slapout, Oklahoma.