Conservative values need emphasis

What exactly does the term “conservative” mean in today’s world? Does it simply mean spend less than what “liberals” want? I think the majority of Americans have seen enough of this nonsense and it is clear there is not one conservative left at the federal level of politics, and I am talking about the federal level since 1988.

Even the Donald Trump supporters of the world fail to see the absolute skyrocketing growth in government during his four years in the White House. The bottom line is that it falls upon us, the working class Americans of this nation, to grab the reins and relieve some folks of their throne-like positions.

I suggest you keep a close eye on the voting record of your elected officials.

I went to and looked at the “benefits” of passing the infrastructure bill. Clearly this administration has a PR team like we have never seen before. They post the economic benefits that are tailored to each state in the nation printed right there on the website. If you dig deeper and go state by state, they simply use a template and then just fill in the numbers to meet the state specifics. Smoke and mirrors, in my opinion.

Here is a classic example for Nebraska:

“Improve healthy, sustainable transportation options for millions of Americans. Nebraskans who take public transportation spend an extra 82.5% of their time commuting and non-White households are 4.7 times more likely to commute via public transportation. 19% of transit vehicles in the state are past useful life. Based on formula funding alone, Nebraska would expect to receive $186 million over five years under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to improve public transportation options across the state.”

Of course, my favorite line item is assisting in developing electric vehicle charging stations so folks have greater access to assist with their electric vehicles. First of all, Nebraska is not a golf course. How many charging stations would be needed for the folks in Harrison to get to their state capitol in Lincoln on that 475-mile journey?

But, rest assured, this wonderful $1 trillion worth of spending by Big Brother will protect you from Mother Nature:

“Prepare more of our infrastructure for the impacts of climate change, cyber attacks, and extreme weather events. From 2010 to 2020, Nebraska has experienced 23 extreme weather events, costing the state up to $20 billion in damages.”

Probably what irritates me more than any other component of this is the “number of jobs” rhetoric. In fact, President Joe Biden’s own Bureau of Labor Statistics reports the greatest growth of job creation seen since the 1940s happened between January 2010 and January 2020 but they are not even projecting 2021 yet. I realize Biden did not swear in until January 2021, but what do you think the acceleration of job losses has been in 2021? Not reported is that 3 million people stopped looking for employment in 2021.

Although if you work for the establishment you will be well cared for as Biden has made this announcement about government employees:

“President Joe Biden on Friday formally announced his plan to raise the wages of federal workers, saying civilian federal employees will see an overall average increase of 2.7% in 2022.”

It has become quite clear that the elected officials we have hired and sent to D.C. to protect us are part of the problem and not part of the solution. In my opinion, we must replace them with people who actually understand the core beliefs of this country.

Editor’s note: The views expressed here are the author’s own and do not represent the views of High Plains Journal. Trent Loos is a sixth generation United States farmer, host of the daily radio show, Loos Tales, and founder of Faces of Agriculture, a non-profit organization putting the human element back into the production of food. Get more information at, or email Trent at