CDA, FSA, CSU Extension to host digital town hall for ag businesses affected by Marshall Fire

Colorado Department of Agriculture and the US Department of Agriculture’s Farm Service Agency are partnering with Boulder County and Colorado State University Extension Offices for a Tele Town Hall to answer questions about programs available for agricultural entities affected by the Marshall Fire in Boulder County. The Town Hall will be held on Jan. 11 at 1:30 p.m. Mountain Time.
Producers should first safely evaluate the disaster impact on their operation, then contact their local FSA office to report all crop, livestock and farm infrastructure damages and losses. To expedite FSA disaster assistance, affected ag producers will likely need to provide documents, such as farm records, herd inventory, receipts, and pictures of damages or losses.
“During the town hall, we will answer questions producers might have about what programs are available through the Farm Service Agency, how to apply for funding, and how to document losses,” said FSA Administrator Zach Ducheneaux. “The FSA is partnering with the Colorado Department of Agriculture to support those who were affected by the Marshall Fire and help them access programs available to them.”
The FSA has several programs to help producers recover and rebuild from natural disasters, including wildfires and storms, such as the Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP), the Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees and Farm-raised Fish Program (ELAP), the Tree Assistance Program (TAP), as well as multiple risk management and conservation programs.
Additionally, CSU Extension will discuss programs available through the Extension Office, an arm of Colorado State University which provides resources and research-based information to help Coloradans make informed decisions. Programs range from preparedness resources for natural disasters, agricultural business planning, animal health guidance, and supply chain issues.
Farmers, ranchers, food processors, beekeepers, agricultural business owners, and other members of the public are invited and encouraged to participate.
Participants can submit a question ahead of time by using this online form. Questions will also be taken live.