
Read Mark 4:35-41

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.—Isaiah 43:2 (NIV)

I was preparing for an entrance exam. I had failed the exam this previous year, and I was very stressed. I was not sure what to do. My mom called me one day and realized I was scared. She reminded me of the story in our reading today. She said, “Jenny, Jesus may have appeared to be sleeping, but he was still on the boat!” With Jesus on the boat with his disciples, there was no chance that they would have drowned! That reminded me that whatever I may be facing, I am never alone. Christ is with me and will see me through.

I have often felt unsure of what to do in fearful situations. Sometimes it feels like Jesus is sleeping when I am in a storm. But I have learned that he is still on the boat with me even if he is silent in the moment. Since coming to this realization, I have failed more exams and passed others; I have taken a few risks and second-guessed myself a million times. But through it all I have never forgotten that Jesus is still on the boat with me.

Prayer: Dear Lord, sometimes our storms are so frightening that we forget you are with us. Help us to trust you to take us safely to the other shore. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Thought for the day: Rather than focusing on the storm, I will focus on Jesus, who is always with me.

—Jennifer Prince Kingsley, Alabama