
Read Isaiah 43:16-21

Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.—Isaiah 43:18 (NIV)

A few years after completing my civil engineering degree, I prayed and fasted in the hope that God would provide me with a job with a multinational company. God answered me, and I was offered a wonderful opportunity; but it was not exactly what I had hoped for. Naively, I rejected the position.

As years passed, I began to look back in regret. I realized I missed an opportunity in the job I rejected. I began to see myself as a failure because I struggled to secure another job and support my family.

But when I came across this scripture it spoke to me. I decided to forget my past mistakes and move ahead. I have learned my lessons, so I should move on. I chose to believe God’s promise, and this brought a new energy to my life.

When we live in the past, we may miss out on greater things. We can learn from our past mistakes, but we shouldn’t dwell on them. Similarly, it is good to be happy about our past achievements, but we shouldn’t dwell on them either. God is always making things new, and when we place our trust in Christ we can hold on to the hope of the beautiful things that are still to come.

Prayer: Dear God, give us wisdom not to dwell on our past mistakes. Heal our wounds and do a new thing in our lives. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Thought for the day: God is always doing a new thing in my life.

—Amobichukwu Samuel Duruaku, Nigeria