Nearly six weeks out from the Dec. 15, 2021, windstorm and wildfire that hit ranch land hard in Russell, Ellis, Osborne and Rooks counties in Kansas, donations are continuing to be collected. The Kansas Legislature is also considering bills to allow for a sales tax exemption of fencing materials that were lost to the wildfire, according to state Rep. Troy Waymaster, a Bunker Hill Republican, in a recent newsletter.
After the fire he and state Sen. Elaine Bowers, a Concordia Republican, toured the devastation and met with many farmers and ranchers to see how the state could assist. That led to an introduction of bills in each body of the Legislature.
Previously, the state has initiated a sales tax exemption for the farmers and ranchers that lose fencing due to wildfires. The Four County Fire alone generated a loss of nearly 5,000 miles of destroyed fencing, he said.
Waymaster and Bowers wanted their legislation to ensure the provision would not expire, which has occurred in the past.
Kasey Knowles Ulrich, a member of the Four County Fire Mitigation Team established under Russell County Emergency Management, said the organization is coordinating donations of hay, fencing, supplies, labor and related items directly to producers. Here are the needs and contact persons:
• Hay and forage such as prairie brome, feed and alfalfa;
• Fencing material such as 12.5-gauge barbed wire, new T-posts 1.33 pound per foot, pipe posts 2 inches or more, corner posts and hedge; and
• Cattle supplies such as syringes, needles and bottles.
If you have any of these supplies and would like to donate, contact Knowles Ulrich at 785-643-1951; Tanner Lyle at 785-735-8024; Iva Maier at 785-885-4404; or Jill Gonzalez at 785-445-9717.
Also, donations of labor for fence tearout and cleanup are being accepted. Information on provided places for volunteers to stay is available by contacting Kim Hoisington at 785-821-1074.
Monetary donations are accepted at The Southwind Bank in Natoma and Russell and managed under the Paradise United Methodist Church. Checks need to be made payable to Paradise United Methodist Church and in the memorandum line the donor needs to write Fire Relief Fund. The bank addresses are The Southwind Bank, P.O. Box 40, Natoma, KS 67665; and The Southwind Bank, 436 N. Main Street, Russell, KS 67665. People may also go online at
Monetary donations will be distributed through an application process.
Also, the Kansas Livestock Association is continuing to collect donations.
Donations made through KLA may be tax deductible and 100% of all donations will be distributed to producers impacted by the weather event. Applications for assistance are due Jan. 31. Membership will not be required to receive funds. Check donations can be mailed to the Kansas Livestock Foundation at 6031 SW 37th Street, Topeka, KS, 66614.
Dave Bergmeier can be reached at 620-227-1822 or