Farmer tops 600 bushels per acre, appreciative of specialty fertilizer manufacturer

David Hula, the world record holder for corn yield, has done it again, posting a yield of more than 600 bushels per acre in the 2021 National Corn Growers Association’s National Corn Yield Contest and he recognized equipment manufacturer BRANDT as part of the effort.
Hula used five BRANDT products on this year’s 602 bushels per acre crop. BRANDT, a leading agriculture retailer and manufacturer of specialty agriculture products, has built its reputation as a leading supplier of advanced micronutrients, bringing new technologies that improve yield and help the world’s growers be more profitable. The five products on Hula’s crop were applied through in-furrow and foliar applications. They include BRANDT Smart Trio, BRANDT Smart B-Mo, BRANDT EnZup Zn, N-Boost, and BRANDT Level Up.
“I’ve always said that it takes a team to set a world record or to put a monster yield like this in the bin,” Hula said. “And this year proves that rule. We had help across the whole range of inputs and especially from BRANDT. I trust BRANDT to bring me the best micros with the most innovative formulations to my farm every year.”
Hula easily outpaced the competition for this year’s NCGA National Corn Yield Contest in the no-till, irrigated category. His 602-bushel yield was 19 bushels better than his son Craig’s yield and more than 214 bushels better than the next entrant not named Hula. Hula’s entry was from his home operation, Renwood Farms, in Charles City, Virginia. Renwood Farms, located 10 miles upriver from the historic Jamestown Settlement, has seen 400 years of agriculture. It was also the site of Hula’s world record yield of 616 bushels per acre in 2019.